
Our History

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RFM has very humble beginnings and is still growing and changing!

For a FREE download of "Deborahs Song" a love song for Deborah Robinson by Pastor Michael Robinson, CLICK HERE

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Our Minisitry was founded in 2003, after many struggles within some local Churches. We don't teach the way that the Churches wanted us to because we feel that the only thing to be taught, is the Word of God. Adding a bunch of man-made rules and non-scriptural beliefs was not a part of Gods plan. We were not accepted due to our strict belief that the Bible is to be believed from "Genuine Leather" all the way through "Maps". We CAN'T pick and choose what scripture we want to believe. We currently meet at the Pastor's home on 303 Maple. We are currently in negotiations for a building and will keep you posted!

Robinson Family Ministries
 801 Anna St.
Big Spring, TX 79720

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